Operation Plan Porn!

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Well the time has finally come for me "Meat" to hand over the site to the others.... therefor this site is now owned by the rest of the crew. I have spread my wings and gone in search of new pastures and to my glee have found a great new home @: www.killsociety.20m.com I will still write for his site and help out with the graphics (which are shite) but I will no longer be controlling the visuals.... I believe now that the plan is now to make this site a Porn site and see how long we can last before being deleated but that is upto them so stay tuned....

Thaththaththhta thats all folks!

This site contains material that may (and probably will) offend most people! (well, most females anyway.)
Don't worry. I'll try and find a link for the ladies to put on the links page.
By going to any of the other pages in this site you agree that you can't sue us, even if your children have viewed it and it has warped their little minds.