Meats Spiral Staircase

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Never trust a mirror,
It'll only make you look bad.

The early bird may catch the worm, but it is the second mouse that gets the cheese.

Meats Page...

All the stuff on this page is under my control.... unless it looks stupid or wrong. then it's Sad Loners Fault!

Well Then
It would appear that we have ourselves an investigator to the usual I have my beleifes about who this mystery person is (and they ae strong beliefes on this occation). Now this person may I say is well know to the owners of this site.... therefor they are jepordiseing information about themselves by aparently being unaware of the fact that when they log onto my site I can get their IP address... the most valuble thing on a computer.... you are therefor now under tabs on this site.... your fault. This information tells me that although you know people that work on this site (excluding me) you do not talk to them often for these people are the kind that would disclose my information asap.

Down to business though.... you left me this mail in the guest book: Name: well, lets just say u know who i am
Email: lets keep that a secret
HomePage: http://dont have one
Where are you from: Pototbello High school
Comments: I would like to know Thomas, who exactly it is that u fancy?Who is this best friend that went out with her?Just give her first name. Maybe I could do it little match making?Please reply to this on your site.
September 30, 2001 14:10:36 (GMT Time)

If you are really that bothered which I believe you are then you will comprimise with me. I will answer certain questions you ask me if you give me certain information about yourself. That is the only deal I will make around this situation. ake it or leave it... We will conduct chat openly through the guest book for everyone to enjoy.... I will expect your first question before 9 o'clock tommorrow or the deal is off... you have no say in it!

Remember for every question you ask I will ask for information... If I do not agree to answer the question or you do not give me the information I want we will move on... if you continue to ask the same question or not to give the information the deal is off.

Good bye


This pick is for my Dad.... and from him too

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