Sad Loners Padded Cell

Sad Loners Padded Cell

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Life: (the following is an opinion and these opinions are what I believed at time of going to press)

I had wrote a really long column but it just dissappeared. I'll redo it tommorow. The basic outline was people are scum; the morals we live by are a farce; we pursue meaningless teenage relationships in the subconscious hope for sex; if you do find someone you like make sure to try and keep the friendship; don't give anyone sacred emotions if they will damage them; don't give up on people because there are some who are worth trying for; if you've got good T&A and Reebok bag don't smoke cos Meat don't like smokers; and dont backhand on the nose. It hurts.
(somebody tell me what conformist means. only joking, i know.)

Slash and Koochy's mercenary service. They get the Job done.......with a gun!

-HICCUP- kill me -HICCUP- kill me -HICCUP- kill me

Past Columns

Name That Face! ------->
Or don't.
Oh no! some careless person put pornographic material on my page. Oh well. Let's just hope it goes away by itself. In the mean time how about we try and name the face, like Meat's got on his page. We'd better look real carefully. And for a long time.