Koochys Meaning Of Life

Koochys Meaning Of Life

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THE MEANING OF LIFE "The only place sucess comes before work, is in a dictionary"

Past Columns

hey hey, hope everyone had a good read of my last column, But lets get back to
the subject, you obviously came here because you wanted to find out the meaning
of life, sorry to dissapoint you but everyone has a different meaning, and everyone
has a different view on things, so I cant tell you one singular meaning. But
what I CAN give to you, is an incite into the life of someone who has too much
spare time on his hands, writes stupid columns, and talks as if he were some
old wise geezer. Recently, I apologised to this girl for something I did that
must have annoyed her, and after I left her, she was actually really pleased
that I had done that, now I could look at this in two ways, on one hand, she
could think that it is good that I apologised, and that I'm being nice to her.
Or I could lok at it as if she thought I had given in to her, and she had won
a battle against me. Now, because since I consider myself to be a kind, gentle
hearted kind of person, I'm going to think that she was pleased I was being
nice to her, and I think there's a lesson to be learned here, it is thatif you
dont like apologising to people, then dont give youself a reason to apologise.
Now this may be a little hypocritical of me, because as those who know me, I'm
not exactly Mr Nice all the time, but hey, at least I admit it. There is no
point in setting out to destroy someone, because in some way or form, it'll
come right back around and kick you in the ass. And that you cannot deny. I'm
currently trying to rebuild some of the bridges I've burned over the past few
days, months, years. And if you think about it, it makes sense to have as many
friends as possible, because if you're ever in trouble, and you're not talking
to your best mate, who's going to help you get through it? Because you cant
go to some stranger and tell him or her all of your deepest sorrows, and a psychiatrist
would most probably cost a packet. So if we have learned anything in this session,
it is that you only get what you give, and that there is nothing better than
having friends that are there for you when you need them.

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