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Each person has pruduced their section to their preferences.

Meat (aka Blaid): "<- me"

Ahh yes and now the time has arisen for me to unvailed my iner core.... lets not.... I can't be bothered cleaning up. Instead I will tell you a little about me and show you a few things I have come acroos in my journeys so far... so let me begin...
First thing I better clear up is that my alias here is Blaid.... but you can call me by my real name... Meat.

As you can see it is me who has been playing with the site. I beleive each owner has a talent and they are as follows....:
Meat: Grafics (animation) and html (javascript) scroll writing
Sad Loner: Comedy.... "this gut is one of the funniest guys I know and his story Ideas are amazing.... He is very original.
This is him...
"<- This is me planning to shoot him"

Koochy: One of the best column writers I know. The man himself thinks Identical to me but unfortunately I lack his atention grabbing skills when it comes to writing.

Let em tell you a little about me....
I like art...
I read alot....
But when I am not reading I am normally on computers....
I like going out on my bike.....
And playing on my computer....

I have a Puppy....
Unfotunately he ain't like this though.... in fact he ain't cute he just eats everything....EVERYTHING for example walls couches and his bed..... heheh

I like staying in... I do this because on my planet "Inios" we don't have any people walking around... we all use teleporters which saves trafic jams.
Thats the reason why it is me who is always doing the work on this site.

I also love Micheal Jacksons Work...

Well now you know a little about me... The mad man you have been following... don't forget to follow my pages as I have a few updates to do on the image so you can keep me posted on any ideas you have or what you think. You can also check out

Past Columns
Why not speek to me right now.... just hit the button below if it says Im online!

Sad Loner

Past Columns

Hey. I'm just here to waste part of my day by trying to entertain some of you who bother to come here. It also helps me forget about things like global warming, aliens posing as government officials (why do you think Tony Blair looks so strange and alien/twat like?) etc. When I write it usually takes me about 3 sentences to finish 1 as I usually add my irrelevant points of view (which are of course by no means irrelevent. Infact I think they're quite relevant. I also might allegedly accept head form a sexy alien female with 6 breasts. Just so long as she's not the wife of an alien posing as a government official.) Damn I done it again. I usually add my point of view in brackets after some sentences. (like this one).

I also feel I have to acknowledge the man, who gave us all, a bigger wiener.


Past Columns

Koochy's Point Of View
Live your life on the offensive, and make big deal of life, coz you dont want to die and be a nobody.
A great, and funny site
(I'm a Ranger's fan)