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Ok todays column is dedicated to Fucksociety prbably one of the best animation sites on the net the picture at the bottom is a link to the site. Well some of this column is dedicated to Fucksociety the rest isn't. Well FuckSociety has some bloody amazing animations check out the Soft Outer Crust series. Fuck Society is just full of 'Ridiculisity' (I got that form SeanSparks) the guy that makes the site Dave is really a laugh visit the site and check out there chat. Ok surprisingly I habve ran out of things to say about it so JUST FUCKIN' GO THERE.

Well while making this page I checked my email I found out I had been spammed AGAIN with this I had 87 copies of this 1 email here it is with a few changes.

Our Accounts Payable Department has money for you*, Andrew. All you have to do is register and play 7 games to claim it! Plus get a free entry to win one of over 200 new cars**.
You will never get this money because it is some strange fucked up way of pissing you off.

The Executive Committee of GroupLotto has authorized our Accounts Payable Department to notify you that you could be the latest INSTANT GUARANTEED CASH PRIZE WINNER!* Cash prizes include ,500.00... $1,000,000.00... ,000,000.00... even an annuity totaling TEN MILLION DOLLARS!** Just click any of the links above or below and you will also be entered into WinningKey's drawing for a brand new car**.
Cash prizes will consist of fuck all there is no instant cash all that you get for emailing these people a reply is another mail telling you to send them and meet them in there irc chat room to give them and e-rimjob.

Click here to tell us where to send your GUARANTEED WINNINGS and get 7 FREE chances to win up to ,000,000.00! has over 200 new cars to give away! Opt-in** to WIN and you'll get your choice of FREE software, one hour of long distance, or Internet access for life**.
Tell us your address so we can sign you up for free condoms and get skin mags sent to your house so your parents ground you for a couple of months. Then we'll sign you up for everything else on the internet knowing jut how much of a sucker you are.

Now I know what your thinking now did I send back well I didn't no but you see that little anti spam button at the bottom of the page. Well after screwing about I found out it spams these people aswell so I ask you click the button do the world a favour. Now to you all I say FUCK OFF well we're not censored yet.

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